After finally finishing all the plaster work for the West end “no-lix”, I was finally able to start adding some color to the scenery. I used acrylic craft paints to make some washes. A yellow brown and a rusty color were spotted on the rocks. This was followed by a gray wash with a hint of brown to warm it up applied liberally to all the rock..

Next a brown latex paint was applied to sections of the remaining terrain quickly followed by a dousing of a mixture of Scenic Express dirt and soil mixed 50/50 with brown grout. I then hit this with alcohol wetting agent and then some PVA glue mixed with water was sprayed on.

While the dirt mixture dried, I worked on the river and falls area. I painted the river blue, with some green and black mixed in and also introduced some white near the shore to lighten it up. I’m still thinking about this, I may lighten the banks up further. I also added some green in the falls area to simulate moss that might grow in the wet environment of the falls.