In order to meet my design criteria, and before designing the layout, I needed some design rules to go by. Obviously, I was staying with HO scale. Here are the hard and fast rules.
- Track gauge code 83, I decided to toss the old code 100 stuff I had for the smaller profile.
- Peco Turnouts and flex track, I had a few Peco turnouts on the last layout and loved them.
- Minimum curve radius of 30″ (could be deviated on spurs if needed but frowned upon).
- Minimum mainline turnout would be #8 or #7 curved, minimum #5 in yards and spurs.
- Ruling grade 1.5% (I slipped a little in one place, a short length of straight run of 2%).
- No areas of track that cannot be easily accessed (oops … hidden staging not so much).
- No duck-unders or lift gates