Well, I have been a little remiss in keeping my blog up to date. There has been much happening since my 2021 update post. Where to begin…
I have a new granddaughter since June. Very good news, she’s beautiful like her mom!
Well, we’ve pretty much put covid in the rear view, at least for now.
I am fully retired this year, so I have been getting much more involved in the hobby than in the past. I was pretty much of a lone wolf modeler for many years. I joined the NMRA back in 2016 but did not participate much but I am now working with the very active Central Indiana Division. This year I was elected director at large for the Midwest Region and was appointed a trainmaster for the CID which puts me on that board of directors as well. I also recently took over as the show manager for the CID’s Danville, IN show next November.
I also joined a local club, the Midwest Model Railroad Club. This group meets once a month in a round robin format at members layouts. This is a format I like. It’s great to visit member’s layouts to see what they are doing and get some new ideas and inspiration.
A far as the layout goes, I am continuing work on scenery and structures. There is a couple of new bridges, one girder which is on the landing page slider, and a new trestle over a canyon. I’ve completed a coal tipple, which I’m really proud of. This replaces a Walthers Diamond Coal mine kit I thought I’d use. The corrugated roofs are removable to show detail of the chutes and sorting grates inside.

I’m also working on a city scene that will hide some of my staging tracks.

I talked Santa into a new (to me) 0-8-0 switch engine for Christmas, too.
Signing off for now, I guess. Have a Merry Christmas!